Saturday, June 6, 2020

3pm, Sun, 6/7: Another Way Wisdom Circle

Dear Kind-Hearted Friends,

It's times like these for which the Native Council/Wisdom Circle was created — times in which it's essential to come together in community.  By "community", I mean it in the traditional sense:  A place of safety, acceptance, connection, cooperation, trust, heart-based authenticity and healing…a soft space to land…to receive and/or give support...a unifying space during times of division…and a soul nourishing space for soul depleting times….

"The wisdom circle is a space of warmth, support and safety where I can express my truth and be myself. To be with people who are fully listening with an open heart is rare these days. The soul connections I have found there are an anchor in the storm."  ~ Pam Heyda (Wisdom Circle participant)

This is participating in and contributing to a genuine solution to the crises of our times.  I recently wrote about how my studies have shown that the root of the dysfunction we're seeing on the personal, societal and global levels today is largely the result of a breakdown of genuine community…and that 'until we re-create a human context of trust, cooperation, connection, safety and solidarity, we'll just continue creating systems, structures and "solutions" from the old/current context of fear/mistrust, competition, aggression/violence, disconnection and narcissism….'

Please help us focus our energy powerfully on what we're for, and co-create this healthy human context together:  Click on this meeting link to register for the Zoom event, check out the "Requests" below, and "Come As You Are" on Sunday!

"Our Wisdom Circle came to be a place of profound, beautiful listening and speaking from the heart, that nurtured and strengthened me for years, and created deep bonds of friendship that now 22 years later still nurture and sustain me!"  ~ Pia Jacobsson (Wisdom Circle participant)


With empathy for the exceptional inner and outer challenges we're all facing right now, I want this community resource to be available to you, and to anyone you know who might be well served by more reliable attention/listening, connection, support, or wisdom.  While I've witnessed participants have profoundly valuable experiences, and I'd love for you and/or anyone you care for to experience this, too — especially now — I'm in the process of parring down the list of folks I invite to this:  Please reply to this email if you'd like future invites to the Wisdom Circle gatherings.


A "Wisdom Circle," is a safe and sacred traditional way of gathering for heart-based speaking and listening.  It's a warm, caring and judgment-free space for deep truth telling…in which to experience community and a cumulative kinship and belonging that deepens over time (a powerful antidote to fear and isolation).

It's also a place to birth our visions, celebrate our triumphs, and to release and heal pent-up and unresolved emotions.  We laugh and grieve together...while encountering, exploring and sharing our deeper thoughts, feelings and wisdom, with respect to what's currently transpiring in ourselves, our lives, and our world.

However, one never needs to speak unless they so choose:  Anyone is fully welcome, and a full participant in this community, even if they're nourished solely by giving others the gift of their compassionate attention.

"I believe we can change the world if we start listening to each other.  Simple, honest, human conversation.  Not mediation, negotiation, problem-solving, debate, or public meetings. Simple truthful conversation where we each have a chance to speak, we each feel heard, and we listen well."  ~ Margaret Wheatly

Come as you are!  (If you're feeling exceptionally down, distraught, vulnerable, unpresentable, that's the most important time to stretch and show up with courage, curiosity and an intention for transformation.  If you're feeling fantastic, your uplifting positive energy, curiosity and intention for transformation is also so important and welcomed!  :)



Time: Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 03:00-05:00 PM PST/PDT (Pacific Time, US and Canada)

** If you're seriously interested and this time doesn't work for you, please let me know what times would!

Dana: Sliding scale: $20-40

* I want this to be available to all.  I also need to at least request dana to honor the immense behind-the-scenes investment of time, energy and caring it takes me to offer this.  If there's hardship, or this feels like too much for you right now, however, please just come and give whatever comes from genuine appreciation (eg, $1)...or whatever feels like a worthy investment in community or self-care...even if it's just a prayer or blessing! :)

[ "Dana", for those who've not heard the term, contains the spirit of "appreciation and sacred reciprocity"…in this case, a "giving back/paying it forward" for this circle's visioning, creation, scheduling and facilitation, carefully-worded messages and supporting documents, fielding lots of individual replies, and Zoom fees…as well as for many hours of time/energy that went to study of indigenous and modern versions of this tradition. ]

  • Please click here to pay beforehand
  • Next, please click on this meeting link to register for the Zoom event now.  This will help me plan for how many are coming, and let us know to wait for you before starting.  (After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.)
  • You may want to click on the "Add to calendar" link on the "Meeting Registration Approved" page
  • If you're new to Zoom:  On the "Meeting Registration Approved" page that pops up, click on the link where it says, "Please click this URL to join" test your connection and resolve any issues you might have getting on in advance.  (This should successfully connect you to an empty zoom room.)
  • Please Come On Time, or even a couple minutes early.  Doing so and following the above step will allow us to start promptly and ensure everyone gets an adequate amount of time to share what they need to.  (As we'll be opening a sacred/ritual space and co-creating a safe & confidential container, this is not a "drop in whenever" kind of event.  :-)
  • If You Decide Not to Come: Please cancel your Zoom registration, so that we don't wait for you!  (use link at the bottom of your confirmation email from Zoom)
Optional Items:
  • A non-alcoholic drink (no food, please)
  • Notepad/journal (to capture valuable insights, commitments, etc)
  • Sacred items to use as Talking Stick, or for virtual altar
  • Meditation cushion (we usually spend a bit of time in silence together)
  • Timer with audible chime (we may need a volunteer to be our Time Keeper)
Password-Protected Zoom Meeting:


"Connection is why we're here.  It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.  This is what it's all about.  What we know [from decades of research in multiple fields] is that the ability to feel connected is how we're wired neuro-biologically, it's why we're here."  ~ Brené Brown

We would cherish the gift of your heart wisdom, compassionate ear, and beautiful presence at our next Virtual Wisdom Circle!  Please join us - and/or pass this along to someone you think would be interested….

In service, solace, and solidarity,

Thought for Today:  It is possible that the next Buddha will not take the form of an individual. The next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. And, the practice can be carried out as a group, as a city, as a nation.  Thich Nhat Hanh, "The Next Buddha May Be A Sangha" in Inquiring Mind, Vol 10, No. 2, Spring 1994.

Rich Raffals
Tech Consults/Software Development, Online Community/Support Groups, Training/Coaching, Emotional Counseling
Awaken the Magic Coaching & Consulting - 415-295-7267

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