Friday, November 15, 2019

US vs. EU on pesticide linked to brain damage

Excerpt: In the US, especially avoid non-organic apples, cherries, corn, oranges, and peaches

If this pesticide used in conventional farming (chlorpyrifos) is proven to cause brain damage in children, what do you think it does to non-children…?

Seems the EU has always had so much more sanity (less brain damage?) than corporate corruption when it comes to health stuff.  But, at least someone is leading properly and doing the right thing in this regard:



1) Eating/drinking strictly organic, non-GMO continues to be the bare-minimum for both human and environmental health (and, specifically, to minimize pesticide exposure).
[ GMOs and pesticides are a leading cause of the pollinator die-off crisis (aka "Colony Collapse Disorder") that now threatens all plant (and human food) survival.  Buying organic/non-GMO is one of the best ways to help the bees! ]

2) Ensuring you're drinking purified water that's not bottled in plastic is also paramount.  (I use/recommend a steel Berkey water purifier, with the additional PF-2 Fluoride/Arsenic/Heavy Metal Filters.)

3) Finally, please wash all (yes, even organic) fruits and veggies just before using (the major vector of the 2016 E.Coli outbreak was a bag of organic spinach), preferably in purified water (dry them afterwards if washed in un-purified tap water).  This will greatly reduce pesticides and any harmful viruses, bacteria, or parasites…other toxins or microbes introduced during harvesting, handling, transport, storage, packaging or well as any air-borne pesticides or toxins that may have drifted onto the produce from conventional farms or various other sources of air pollution (factories, fires, planes, cars, etc).

4) Bonus - To reduce high Arsenic exposure:

What I use to for Pesticide Protection:
  • Restore (strengthens the tight junctions [the seals between cells] in our gut lining – the barrier protecting us from toxic substances like pesticides [GMOs punch holes in intestines/tight junctions]; they're now selling the same product, renamed  ION Biome)
  • 1 tsp - 2 Tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in 6-12oz H2O, 1-3x/day (ACV contains a bacteria that breaks down glyphosate), rinse mouth/teeth afterwards to avoid acid breakdown of tooth enamel
  • Chlorella - Usually people start with 2g/day and work up to around 5g, using the higher dose during periods of illness or stress. Take 2x/day with food/snacks, or 30min before eating for best detox effect.
  • GlyphoX Supreme (detoxes + decreases liver cell death from glyphosate; order here)
  • Detox Bonus: 8 Natural Ways to Detox GMOs, Dr. Group's 7min video on GMO detox

To your health!


Why Choosing Organic Produce Is the Best and Safest Choice — Especially for Children and Pregnant Women

Eating organically grown foods reduces your exposure to both pesticide residue and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
This is backed by research from Stanford University, which analyzed 17 different studies comparing the health effects of organic and conventional foods.
While choosing organic is probably the safest option for everyone, it's especially important for pregnant women and children to avoid exposure to pesticides.
Children are at higher risk for pesticide toxicity than adults. This is because the developing brain is more susceptible to neurotoxins and the dose of pesticides per body weight is likely to be higher in children.
Children whose mothers were exposed to high levels of pesticides have been found to have lower IQs compared to children with the lowest levels of pesticide exposure.
Also, children exposed to pesticides are at an increased risk for a variety of chronic conditions, including learning and behavioral problems.
According to a study in Pediatrics, higher than median levels of pesticide residue in the urine were associated with double the odds of ADHD compared to those with undetectable levels.

Need Something Researched But Lack the Time/Patience/etc?  For $65/hr, I'll do the research and summarize the results for you (similar to what you see above but on topics/questions of your choosing!)

Rich Raffals
Tech/EMF Consults, Sound Healing, Coaching
Awaken the Magic Coaching & Consulting - 415-662-3117

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