Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Indoor Air Quality & Allergy Tips

From Dr. Todd Maderis, who also recommends the IQ Air and Austin Air purifiers (see below for cheaper options):
The primary injury from smoke and particulate matter exposure is caused by oxidative damage and inflammation. The below recommendations help to protect organs and tissues from this injury.
  • Turmeric - helps to reduce cytokines and inflammation. The form of turmeric is essential because turmeric is poorly absorbed. The two brands we found that work the best are Cytoquel and Theracurmin.
  • Glutathione - an antioxidant, supports detoxification and reduces inflammation. People with glutathione genetic mutations are at increased risk of oxidative damage and inflammation from air pollution exposure. Glutathione can be compounded for inhalation for people with compromised lung function. We most commonly prescribe oral liposomal and/or intravenous glutathione.
  • Vitamin C - an antioxidant that has been shown to decrease airway irritation, improve airway function in children with asthma, and increase airway flow in adults.

Here's the info from my research/testing, in 3 sections (Masks, Quick/Easy Indoor Air Quality Improvement, Air Purifiers, Masks), with more detailed notes at the bottom for those who want them….

(Even when the air quality is good outside, indoor air is 2 to 5 times as polluted as outdoor air)

1) Activated Charcoal Air Purifying Bags (see "In 3 Easy Steps", BELOW)
    [ They absorb "odors, bacteria/allergens, also pollutants (formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene and chloroform gases emitted from paint, carpeting, furniture, air fresheners, chemical cleaners, rubber and plastics)"...as well as excess moisture that promotes mold/bacteria growth. ] 

2) Getting a good air purifier with at least a True HEPA filter (for particulates) and a carbon filter (for odors/vapors/VOC's) is a fantastic investment (filters out mold spores but not mycotoxins) — SEE BELOW.

3) Himalayan Salt Lamps are also good for cleaning indoor air
    [ I don't think they help much for mold, however, and they do use electricity and non-renewable resources for their construction. ]

4) Plants!  I have a Spider Plant, which I believe to be one of the most effective for indoor air purification.  You can read more about specific plants at the bottom of this message and online.  Optionally, you can check out the Live Plant Air Purifier (which may be just hype, not sure).

5) Thieves-type essential oil (other brands ok if 100% organic) - won't likely due much for polluted air, but disinfects bacteria/viruses/fungi and inhibits mold growth 
    [ You'll also need some kind of diffuser to release the oil into the air.  I use a decorative soapstone oil burner with the Serenibee tea light candles, since it uses no power and burning natural beeswax has additional benefits. ]

6) Don't Use: Chemical/Spray Air Fresheners; Incense; Candles that contain paraffin or non-organic soy in the wax, nor lead in the wicks
  • Candles: Choose only unscented, 100 percent beeswax, coconut wax, hemp oil, or some combination (no paraffin = petroleum byproduct = highly toxic; no soy = GMO), and wicks made from unbleached, 100% organic cotton or wood (no lead).  Trim wicks to 1/4" to minimize soot.  [ I like Serenibee for tea lights, as they meet all these requirements and have reusable cups.  For other sizes, check out Big Dipper or Honey Candles.  Tip: As the candle burns, you'll notice a wax pool forming around the wick. By gently folding the edges of the candle into the wax pool, you'll significantly increase the length of burning, and also create a more even, radiant glow. ]
6) More info on health effects and remedies for poor indoor air quality from Dr. Mercola, and the EPA & US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) [ click on topics on the right side of page ]


Charcoal Bags - In 3 Easy Steps:

1) Map out the square footage of each room of your home (also, optionally, fridge, car, pantry, closets, etc).  You want about 2g of charcoal for each square foot of area (ie, twice the number of grams of charcoal as square feet of the room).  Eg, 500g bag covers 250 sq ft; 100g bag covers 50 sq ft.

2) Purchase the proper amounts of activated charcoal bags to reduce the moisture, odors, and toxic chemicals in those places (especially near water sources and where you spend the most time):

After researching several vendors, I recommend these 2 (organic, sustainably produced).  (I did a "mix & match" between them to get what I needed to cover my areas.)

   * MYTHO Eco Living: 2-large(200g)Bags; 2-medium(100g)Bags; 4-small(75g)Bags: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BNND2B1

   * Better to get Nellam bags on Ebay than Amazon (necessary if you're in CA): https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=nellam+charcoal
   * But, if you want to read Amazon reviews, etc:

3) Ideal if put in places that allow decent air-flow through the bag (great if hung up); but will work wherever you put 'em


4) "Recharge" them in sunlight for at least 1 hour per month

5) Replace after 2 years.  (Spread "spent" bamboo charcoal around plants to help them grow.  Reuse bags if possible = cheaper to buy more activated charcoal in bulk and refill original bags - make sure the charcoal's sustainably produced and organic. :)

*) See more notes on Charcoal Air Purification Bags at the bottom of this message….



This research is from 2016-17, so there may be better options now.  That said, if you don't want to do extensive research, these should still be very good options:

Bare minimum you want is a certified "True HEPA Filter" for particulates and a good, fairly thick carbon filter for odors/toxic fumes/chemical emissions/VOC's…

$100 range/Decent/Bare Minimum to Spend/Small Area: Covers ~100 ft2 (good for a small-medium room), not sure how often the filters need to be replaced nor how much they cost (ie, long-term costs/maintenance will likely be higher than Sharp model below): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004VGIGVY/

FEATURES: UV Light may reduce airborne viruses/bacteria

To get it immediately, you can find it locally for a bit more at Bed, Bath & Beyond.


$250-750/Excellent/700-1,300 ft2 (get the filter for "mold" and/or "wildfires" or whatever matches your specific situation - I believe I have the "Fresh" filter; also, be sure to turn off the wifi on the BreatheSmart purifiers; either of these might be worth a call to the company - very helpful):
$200 range/Very Good/Medium Area: Covers ~200-300 ft2 (good for medium-large bedroom), filters only need to be replaced every 5yrs (part #'s HEPA: FZ-F60HFU, Carbon: FZ-F60DFU):

FEATURES: Timer, Auto-mode w/sensor, long filter life, Plasmacluster Ions (sterilization of airborne pathogens like mold, increased odor reduction of items in home)

I enhanced mine with the cheap/easy addition of cutting a sheet of a GE air purifier carbon pre-filter to wrap around the Sharp carbon filter for at least 3X effectiveness for non-particulate filtering (toxic fumes/VOC's/chemical emissions/odors/etc).  I also periodically spray this with a solution to both reduce mold growth in my home, as well as on the filters (also removes

May be available locally, but haven't checked where.  Check Froogle for best online price.  See notes below for better filter replacement options.


$250-300 range/Very Good/Medium Area: Covers ~450 ft2 (good for large living room), 6 month Carbon pre-filter life (part # FZ-A80DFU) and a 2 yr HEPA filter life (order part # FZ-A80HFU)


The Sharp models above are very good, on several levels, including good filtering, low noise, long filter life, auto setting with sensor, etc.  However, if you want to step up a level for even more clean air, you can look into one of these:

$300+ range/Excellent/Various Areas:

A friend bought the Alen BreatheSmart FLEX Air Purifier for Rooms up to 700 Sqft for ~$350, which looks good if you get the "heavy smoke" option (look elsewhere if it's not available on Amazon)

...and, this review recommends the IQ-Air, which has the ability to cover an area as large as 1240 sq. ft., tho it doesn't have the "auto" feature and is likely noisier:

AIR Doctor: Purports to be equivalent to the IQ Air, but for less than half the price with this offer.

A friend

If you're sick now and know toxic mold's the causeDr. Klinghardt recommends this system that claims to eradicate mold and mycotoxins (which are extremely small and nearly impossible to filter).  Given the $2k price tag for that, however, I'd also recommend checking out the Molekule.  Molekule seems to be an amazing new technology, if the hype on their website is legit.  I've heard positive stories from multiple neighbors who are getting great benefit amidst the current smoke, and have read great reviews online (save for the ongoing maintenance and ineffective "auto" mode).  Yet, it has some mixed reviews on reddit  nd trustpilot, and has a WiFi feature that may introduce extra wireless radiation into your home if it can't be switched off.  SEE UPDATED NOTES ON MOLEKULE AT THE VERY BOTTOM. ]

Consider a high-quality indoor air purifier such as the ones recommended by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine:

* Austin Air Health Mate (full size unit), IQ air, Honeywell,
* Hi-Tech, Heating and AC Furnace Filter 3M MPR Ultra Allergen Merv 11 Filter (Home Depot, Target, Amazon)


Replacement Filter ideas/options if you go with one of the Sharp models…

Reviewers' Comments/Suggestions for Filter Replacement:
I quit using the manufacturer's pre-filter and started using just a sheet of carbon
prefilter. This works FAR better. I take it out every week or two and it is loaded
with dander. I put it in the washing machine, let it dry then put it back in. I
think I will now get a lot more life out of this main 2 year filter.

The carbon odor/prefilter is NOT washable, but can be vacuumed to remove
particulate.  The HEPA filter cannot be cleaned/should not be vacuumed.

The carbon pre-filter can be washed and used again and again. It's replaced only
when you replace the main HEPA filter. The filter packaging says every two
years. The air purifier's manual says every five years. Split the difference.

* or $20 for non-oem:

Better Carbon Pre-Filter Options:
* I also ordered this cheap pre filter to prolong the life of the main filters
  Cut-to-Fit Carbon Pad for Air Purifiers B000U204W2:
* I ordered the cut to fit pad for air purifiers, the Listing ID# 0813NQU1Q4J the
  sku is 16c48charcoal. I paid $5.24. You just take the old filter our and use it as
  a template to cut the new one. Works fine.
* FP-A80U seems perfect for a prefilter experiment - add just two little rectangles,
  one of carbon cloth and another of fiberglass window screen...
* I purchased on Amazon a sheet of carbon filter used for appliances which is a
   better carbon filter than the unit provides and I think it works better and is
   also more reasonable in price! About $7 verses $50 on a replacement sharp and it
   works perfect!  I buy the ....GE SmartAire Cut-to-Fit Replacement Carbon
   Pre-Filter by ( Industrial Filter Sales) ...its only $7 a sheet with free
   shipping! This seller sells other carbon sheets for $5 and free shipping but the
   GE I personally think is worth the extra 2 dollars because it is much thicker and
   traps odors better. This company is very reliable. They probably all are on
   Amazon but I have been buying from this seller for over a year. Which I have had
   no problems so I have continue to buy from them. They send a long sheet so just
   cut to fit and it is very thick. The best ever....I have been buying it here on
   Amazon since I bought my Sharp air purifiers.....this way is so much cheaper and
   I believe it works so much better than the carbon filter that comes with the
   purifier. I change it every month....so it is affordable to it this way!

Easy Modification to get better air purifying performance:
* This morning I placed scotch tape around the entire edge of the prefilter to
  create a tight seal with the unit. Taking another round of measurements with the
  particle counter, I now show a reading of anywhere from zero particles (both .5PM
  an 2.5PM) to about 200 .5PM, still 0 2.5PM. It seems to be averaging about 100
  particles in the .5PM size. So a few cents worth of tape has reduce the particles
  coming out of the unit by 90%. Not a bad investment. I probably should have taped
  the HEPA filter first, but now that the prefilter is tightly sealed, I will just
  leave it as is and continue to monitor output. I like this unit a lot more now
  that I see virtually particle free air blowing out of the unit!
* I will be using the "Blue" painter's tape to seal air leaks - it is temporary,
  sticks perfectly, and peals off with no residue.
* The problem is that taping the filter puts extra strain on the motor (than what it
  was tested under), which may shorten its life. This happened to me using a BlueAir



While I've been using a couple of the disposable N95 masks folks have given me, I don't know how many times those are meant to be used before they reach filtering capacity, and, as noted above, the risks of wearing them may outweigh the benefits.  For environmental reasons, however (not forgetting the source of the increasing magnitude and intensity of environmental disasters), I've ordered and recommend reusable/washable masks with replaceable filters.  These are the two I've ordered:

Military-grade, Washable, Disposable, NIOSH N99 (Cambridge Mask Pro) that filters particulate matter (PM), gas-based pollution (VOCs, ozone, chemical emissions, toxic fumes), pathogens (viruses), and other irritants/allergens (dust, mold, pollen) [  Check Froogle/ebay/etc. if can't get size you need from Cambridge or Amazon.  ]
Lasts 220-340 hrs = 9-28 days (at AQI 51-300), then need to purchase a new one.
despite their popularity and marketing hype (that mostly doesn't check out), for similar reasons to why I don't recommend most of the masks on Amazon :).  ]

(I just hit my limit with research and made the order.  If you go further and find a washable/filter replaceable (non-disposable) NIOSH-certified N100 or better mask that your or others' reviews say are both effective and comfortable/breathe-able, please let me know and I'll share the info!  While those above are a significant improvement from N95 masks, my understanding is that only R100 or P100 masks are meant to filter air-borne oils [see notes below] — although both the above masks indicate that they go beyond the N99/N100 ratings to also filter nearly all toxic fumes/chemicals and germs/pathogens.  So, the ideal would be to find a comfortable/wearable/washable mask, with replaceable filters, rated R100 or P100...with additional filters for germs/pathogens.)

May filter better than those above (or, maybe not since those above have multiple filters that catch more than particulates?), but aren't washable and probably only good for a couple uses:

Disposable, NIOSH-certified P100 (Honeywell RWS-54020)


From my notes on MASKS:

P100 > R100 > N100 > N99 > N95 (look for NIOSH certified; # = % of 1 micrometer particles removed)
N: Not oil proof
R: Oil resistant (up to 8 hours)
P: Oil proof (beyond 8 hours)

**P100 Filters
* 3M P100 Particulate Filter with Nuisance Level Organic Vapor Release, 2097PA1-A, 2-Pairs ($15/2)
* 3M Organic Vapor/Acid Gas Cartridge/P100 ($100/4)
Reusable Respirators:

Dust Mask 5 Layer Activated Carbon Filter Washable Replaceable Filter For Man And Women (One Mask + 10 filters) Men Black
Replacement Filters for above mask:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B77T1HR

With valve (doesn't sound like it works that great):
Replacement Filters for above mask:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B75TH75
* Will it keep out hexavalent chromium?
No, this is a particulate mask. If you need to filter out hexavalent Chromium you need an OSHA rated mask for that vapor! Don't, I repeat, Do not use a particulate mask for toxic vapors!

**N99 Masks:
More on Plants (from a friend):

For your home air quality consider phytoremediation. Let house plants to clean your air and give you fresh oxygen! From an article published by Leah Zerbe, MS, NASM-CPT, NASM-EES February 2016 "The Best Houseplants that Remove Pollution" check out these plants that will clean out the air in your home. One plant per 8 cubic square feet is what's recommended:

Bromeliad-removes 6-8 VOC's and stripped more than 80% of these compounds out of the air in 12 hours. It also takes out 92% of benzene from automobile exhaust and toluene from paraffin candles.

Dracaena- removes 94% of acetone from the air which off gasses from particle board, household cleaners, rubber cement and paint.

Spider Plant – removes 80% of ethylbenzene, p-xylenes-o-xylene and acetone found in inks, paints, and fake number.

Jade Plant – removes 80% of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, p-xylene and o-xylene in 70% of cases.

Another article, listing different plants, 17 Amazing Houseplants that Clean the Air.


From my notes on CHARCOAL BAGS:

You can research this more online, of course.  Here are some highlights from the Activated Charcoal Air Purifying Bag products I've purchased:

  • Naturally neutralize harmful chemicals that you breathe daily from inside your home or car
  • It works by trapping toxins and chemicals in its millions of tiny pores
  • Use them to eliminate mold, mildew and bacteria being developed inside refrigerator so your food could remain fresh
  • Can also be used inside wardrobe, armorie, closets, gym bag, shoe, boxing gloves, lockers, cars, hand bags, just to name a few
  • Many of them contain chemicals that could cause developmental and reproductive problems, especially for INFANTS
  • It's just adding chemicals on top of chemicals

Air Dehumidifier Bags are filled with one simple natural organic non-toxic ingredient - bamboo charcoal. Our naturally occurring charcoal acts as a sponge and as air passes through the odor, allergen and bacteria particles are trapped on the surface, which in turn freshens, and purifies your air. With no harsh cleaners or chemicals at all!

Active bamboo charcoal has been scientifically proven as a dehumidifier. Free from harmful chemicals found in normal air fresheners and neutralizers which can be carcinogenic and lead to numerous health problems.

The porous structure of the high density bamboo charcoal helps remove bacteria, harmful pollutants and allergens from the air and absorbs moisture, preventing mold and mildew by trapping the impurities inside each pore. The Moso air purifying bag has been scientifically proven to reduce the  amount of formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and chloroform gases emitted from everyday items such as paint, carpeting, furniture, air fresheners, chemical cleaners, rubber, and plastics.

Toxin free, the bags are safe to use around pets and children. The bamboo charcoal rejuvenates when the bags are placed in sunlight once a month. You can reuse the bags for two years, after which the charcoal can be poured into the soil around plants to fertilize and help retain moisture.

To your fantastic health and well-being (and that of whomever you share this with),

Thought for Today: 

"Only when the last tree has died,
the last river has been poisoned,
and the last fish has been caught
will we realize
we cannot eat money."  ~ Cree Indian Expression
I finally did get a chance to take a look at this.  It does look far superior to the Sharp air purifiers, if the hype on their website is legit.  Not sure I’m ready to fork out $725+ for a new air purifier, however, as my current one, along with the charcoal bags, salt lamps and spider plant, seems to be doing the job for me…even amidst the worst air quality we’ve probably ever had here…which is pretty bad.

Molekule Coverage:  Website says it cleans 600 sq. ft., which is very good.

Tho the code you gave no longer works, -$75 is still available (basically covers the cost of shipping, so you’re still spending ~$800): https://share.molekule.com/x/cMAuhC

On the other hand, if yours isn’t doing it for you and you’re still suffering with allergies, etc. even indoors, I think this would probably be a good investment…with a couple caveats:

1) Nextdoor neighbors say it works well, but requires fairly frequent maintenance:

"Im finding that I have to change the filter every two months. We live in dirty times. GREAT PRODUCT but pricey."

“...filter needs to be changed frequently and are difficult to order as poor service from the company makes it take a long time to get the filters”

I change the main filter after a year and the small filter at the bottom every 3 months which is what they suggest”

If you prefer to buy individually, a single pre-filter is $30, which should be replaced every three months. One nano filter is $85 and should be changed out every six months.

Direct purchases delivered within the contiguous U.S. come with a flat $29 shipping fee, while deliveries to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are charged $40 S&H.

* Easier is to do their Filter Subscription (includes 6 filters/yr):

Molekule’s $129/year filter subscription ensures replacement filters deliver to your door when needed. Each pack contains a PECO-Filter, to be replaced every six months, and two Pre-Filters, to be replaced every three months.

2) As it has a WiFi option, it may put out continuous, damaging RF/wireless radiation, unless there’s a way to turn this off? I’d check and ensure this can be switched off, else I wouldn’t purchase/use it!


Most Reviews say it’s worth the $:

Though some say not:

Switched to the Conway Mighty (rated #1, here: https://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-air-purifier/)
"I've only been using it a few days now, but I can say that it does a really good job at filtering the air. I don't think it affects VOCs at all (its carbon filter is a joke) but one thing it does have that even the Molekule doesn't is a TRUE automatic mode. It does have a decent air quality meter built in. For example, I did a test where I lit a match a few feet away from the Coway, and within 5 seconds, the unit went from a low setting to a high setting!

I'm still thinking about purchasing something more heavy-duty, especially in the VOC front. Specifically, I'm looking at the Airpura V600 [poor reviews on Amazon] (i looked at the Austin unit but I think the Airpura seems better in all fronts)."


Great Pitch, Poor Delivery!

At first, I was very excited to try this product out. As for many, the video Molekule shows is effective and resonates with many allergic/asthmatic individuals. 
From the first day I cranked my unit on, I had a Full blown asthma attack. One which I’ve never had that severe in over 10 years. I tried to ignore the smells and told myself this was just the unit doing its job. Something SO many say as well as ththe company. Yet the environment of my entire apartment was very heavy feeling for the weeks I had the unit. The Molekule altered my living area to the point I went to the doctors to see if I was getting extremely sick. Which the assessment was my breathing was the worst it’s been in years. Which shocked my doctor given I’ve been healthy and fine for years. That said, I immediately went home and started the return/refund. When it comes to customer service and communication, Molekule is in the dark ages. Receiving a response takes as long as the ENTIRE return period. Not only did I loose over $200 of my refund.. I had to hassle the customer service reps to reply back to me on when I’d receive my refund. Upon sending them a tracking number that the unit was in transit, they would not cancel my filter subscription. They did this when they approved my return, meaning unit was in-hand. What’s the big deal if the unit is in transit back to you and you have the tracking number? Why waste time and money on both sides with sending a filter subscription out?? When a unit is in transit back for a return... Especially when I’d loose money to return it? Also, the correspondences seem to be with different reps. I’ll talk with one person who understands the return then when I follow up to see my refund status they ask moronic questions like, “what’s your email and address for the return”.... Information that is clearly shown in the same correspondences. Sometimes even said multiple times. I would get replied 3 days to almost a week later. Again, customer service is very behind the times. For a company that claims to help improve your life, they sure hold no accountability for when they make it difficult. For those on the fence, I can honestly tell you I have NO IDEA if this unit improved my air. I do know it got me sick the first week to sent me to the hospital (with a new bill mind you for breathing treatments), they wasted my time with unfriendly / idiotic questions, and took over $200 from my refund when I finally received it. Do not fall for all these fake reviews. Check Reddit for those that are curious. There is plenty of conversation of many who went through the same thing as I did. The funny thing is you’ll see a few ridiculously sad responses from some Molekule reps. Saying the same things I was told! It’s very upsetting as I wanted this unit to work given clear air in my home is important to me. But I’ll stick with my outdated HEPA filters.


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