Monday, August 16, 2021

Covid Prevention and Treatment

[ Please forward to anyone who gets infected or is exposed to someone infected (latest version of this often-updated document, here: ]

Update 10/21: I've done several webinars with local doctor, Tom Yarema, who's been treating patients w/covid daily since it started.  He says it can be reliably knocked out in a few days...if properly treated on exposure or first appearance of symptoms…and the Key 1st Step is to have medicine cabinet properly stocked so you’re ready to start treatment immediately if exposed/infected.

Update 12/21: Looks like zoom replays of his webinars are now private.  Get on one of his weekly zoom webinars to get access to the latest info if the above link doesn't work for you.  In the meantime, you can see my (
pre-omicron/possibly slightly outdated) "PREVENTION - Yarema's MEDICINE CABINET" notes at bottom to get you in the ball-park.  Note: This page, too, may be censored soon, so you may want to print it.  :)

Hi there,

From actual people/events, it's now clear to me that anyone — regardless of vaccination status — can contract, carry, and transmit covid.

Given that, I wanted to share some protocols for Prevention and Treatment that I've found, as well as a great deal on a mask that blocks 99.6% of all viruses (most masks allow a significant percentage of viruses through).
In both my research and personal experience with covid (myself and several others who had it), I've come to believe that starting a proper/effective treatment ASAP after infection is the #1 controllable determining the severity and length of symptoms (aka “the level of suffering while sick, and on-going/long-haul symptoms afterwards”) -- which all comes down to preparation.  By that I mean having a solid treatment plan and stocked medicine cabinet ready now, BEFORE getting sick.

As such, this info is to get you in the ball-park of being prepared with your chosen protocol/plan.  It's overwhelming, I know.  Still, anything of the below that you know/prepare is better than nothing.  It took me several weeks to decide on my protocol/plan and get everything.  But, I was so glad I did (for both myself and several infected people i was able to help remotely or bring things to while they were quarantined and incapacitated.)

Still, what I'm offering here is no substitute for consulting with a practitioner who has direct, up-to-date research knowledge and experience treating the various covid variants.  While not ideal for reasons I won't go into - and I hope you find better practioners and tell me - you can currently get up-to-date info via Dr. Tom Yarema's weekly webinars (could go away at any time, so get on at least once ASAP, take good notes, and please send me updates to what I have here! :)
[ Call if you want names of practitioners that I haven't experienced but with whom others I know consulted while they were infected. ]

Below, I list different protocols which have proven effective for treatment of covid.  While it was a rough ride for me, I used a combination of these protocols to recover in about 9 days (proven covid via positive antigen test during, and positive antibody test after).  I made some mistakes, however, and believe you could recover faster and with less misery if you don't stumble where I did.
While different, you'll notice significant overlap between the protocols, which gives them more credibility in my mind.  I started with Yarema's medicine cabinet/protocol as a foundation, then added in stuff not on his list from Dr. Murray, Dr. Maderis, and the FLCCC [ eg, Quercetin, NAC, Selenium/Brazil nuts, Aspirin, Curcumin, Honey, Curcumin, Nigella Sativa (black cumin seed) ].  Getting your choice of these items stocked, and finding someone with whom to consult who can help you adjust treatment/dosages/etc. in real-time, is where I'd recommend anyone to start.  If that's overwhelming, give priority to povidone iodine gargle/nasal spray, nebulizer/hydrogen peroxide/etc, and an anti-viral.
I supported others who were extremely sick with covid (eg, oxygen levels as low as 40%, on-going fevers ~103) and saw the most dramatic improvements from ivermectin or nebulizing hydrogen peroxide (different for different people).  Personally, I noticed the most dramatic shift in my symptoms when I finally decided to take the ivermectin.
[ Note: There are several anti-viral options in the various prevention/treatment protocols, of which ivermectin is only one.  Ivermectin is the one I chose -- partially because it has the additional benefit of being anti-parsitic; mostly because it's the one I'd researched most.  Given the anti-parasitic effects of going with ivermectin, I added some binders to mitigate possible parasite die-off symptoms.  (Can be quite severe for some - not something you want to add on top of the covid symptoms!)  Ie, I usually added a binder or two at the beginning and/or end of each day -- ie, at least 2 hrs away from any other remedy.  Some good options: chlorella, Redmond detox clay, activated charcoal, zeolite.  ]


While I'd guess you also have your own similar regimen, to the above I made sure I was stocked on things that I do at first sign of any illness (eg, tea from locally-picked Eucalyptus leaves and/or fresh ginger root, Source Naturals Wellness Herbal Resistance Liquid, lots of fresh garlic & onions in soup, and lots of extra sleep).
While I was sick with covid, I forced myself to do some movement daily (often sweating through yoga, Qi Gong, walking) get lungs working and lymph/chi flowing.  When I remembered, I folded in some of Yarema's immune-boosting physical exercises (outlined at the beginning of his webinars), as well as immune-boosting acupressure points from Qi Gong.  Near-daily fresh air and sunshine helped on various levels, even if I could only get out for a few minutes that day.  From my prior covid research I also stocked and used Zand Organic Blueberry Zinc lozenges (cleanest of any zinc lozenges I could find).
Keys to Optimal Succesful Treatment:

1) Be prepared beforehand so you can start treatment immediately upon symptom onset!
Have a plan, know your plan well, and have your medicine cabinet completely stocked beforehand.
Ie, be ready and able to put your treatment plan into action at a time when you'll likely be unable to leave the house due to well as scared and nearly completely incapacitated both physically and mentally due to your symptoms!
(Most of most of those days I spent in bed.  After getting up to do a treatment, go the the bathroom, or force myself to walk or eat, I'd then collapse back into bed exhausted from the effort.  I missed some of my treatments since I was so out of it.  I finally wrote them down and posted them, which helped immensely - highly recommended to do this up front!)

2) Have at least one doctor who's experienced in treating covid with whom you can consult about your particular situation as it evolves, thinking clearly for you from experience, adjusting dosages and treatments, etc.  (Better to have a couple lined up, as one might not be available when you need her/him - contact me by phone if you want suggestions. :)
NOTE: While I believe their protocols and other contributions to be valuable, I do NOT recommend nor aflds/America's FrontLine Doctors' telemedicine for consultation nor meds.

Feel free to call me if what you find below is overwhelming and I can walk you through it.  Either way, I'd start with at least getting a good mask and those items specified in Yarema's Medicine Cabinet (at bottom).  While the FLCCC (FrontLine Covid Critical Care) has gotten some bad press recently, mostly due to their overwhelmed telemedicine branch, I believe their protocols and other contributions are sound.  Eg, I used their protocol to calculate my ivermectin dosage.  If you're dubious of the FLCCC, however, skip down to "OTHER COVID PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS".

Reusable, Washable, Anti-viral Mask (filters developed by UK's Ministry of Defence):

Most masks, even the N95's (which are much better than cloth or surgical masks), are not designed to filter viruses:  The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) rating of "N95" means that the mask is meant to filter 95% of "solid and water-based particulates (i.e., non-oil aerosols)" of .3 micrometers or larger in size.  Viruses are typically .01 to .08 micrometers in size.  The argument is made that the virus will ride on moisture particles which are larger, but even then more than 5% of them will get through -- so you’re not even getting 95% protection.
However, this N99 mask blocks 99.6% of all viruses: In addition to a more robust, N99 particulate filter than the N95's have, these masks have an additional layer of activated carbon filtering, to which anti-bacterial silver has been added, giving added protection to remove potentially harmful gases and pathogens.
(Even without the extra carbon/silver layer, I read that N99 filters provide 100x better viral/bacterial filtration than N95 filters - reference)

DISCOUNTS: Use code at checkout for -70%: SUPERSUMMER70, or use BUY1GET1FREE code for 1/2 price on mask models below.  You can get another -10% if you sign up for their email list:
** Make sure you get the right size - Medium works well for me

While this N99 mask is pretty good as-is for wildfire smoke (P100 > R100 > N100 > N99 > N95 > unrated masks), they offer a valve deactivator for covid:

Options if you want to cover the exhalation valve:
Certainly get the deactivactor the offer (free), but also consider the options below, and leave the valve open whenever possible (unblocked valve is more breathe-able + allows full exhale of CO2)
Other Options for indoor, "non-valved mask required", and other areas of covid concern (still better breathe-ability and CO2 venting than non-valved masks):
- Put a super thin, same color, disposable mask loosely over this one (can easily take off whenever not required)
- Stitch a piece of light cloth loosely over the valve
Excerpt from PMC Labs/US National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health article: How effective is a mask in preventing COVID‐19 infection?

For exhalation isolation, both surgical and N95 masks are shown to be effective in reducing the spread of respiratory diseases, but the former is more accessible and comfortable to wear compared to the latter. For inhalation protection, air filtering respirators such as N95 masks can filtrate contaminants, bacteria and other matters from reaching nose and mouth, and are more efficient in virus penetration inhibition than surgical masks.

FLCCC Protocols
The FLCCC protocols below were developed by a team of physicians at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.  "The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing highly effective treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and to improve the outcomes for patients ill with the disease."
Scroll down to "OTHER COVID PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS" if you're not interested in FLCCC protocols or Ivermectin info.
You can read more about the FLCCC Mission and the Physicians who developed these prevention/treatment protocols.  The FLCCC protocols are quite similar to recommendations put out by other doctors of high reputation (some included, at very bottom of this msg, and more here).

FLCCC Guide for Patients & Relatives:
Share with your Doctor:
FLCCC Prevention and Treatment Protocols for COVID-19:
Home-Based Treatment Guide - Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life: 
(from Assoc of American Physicians & Surgeons)
Other Similar Protocols: 
* Similar protocols have also been recommended by Dr. Murray and Dr. Todd Maderis (see "OTHER COVID PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS" at bottom), minus the prescription portion (which I believe is key if you're severely or regularly exposed)
 * Successful treatment of 100% of 107 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (Brownstein's published study): "A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies"

I would, however, consider this before taking melatonin as per any of these recommendations….
Don't forget to check to comparison shop prices for your prescriptions.
* Alternative/International Medication Sources (no prescription required, can take a month, but THIS WORKED FOR ME FOR IVERMECTIN):
have friend give us your name or your refer code JX0FQ0 to get $20 off their first order with us. Pass the customer on to our online physician form:
* Alternative Medication/Prescription Sources (Physicians/Facilities offering Prevention & Early Treatment Protocols):
NOTE: While I believe their protocols and other contributions to be valuable, I do NOT recommend nor aflds/America's FrontLine Doctors' telemedicine for consultation nor meds. (worked for a friend who paid more but got ivermectin much quicker than I did)

* Scroll to bottom of page for videos of panels of doctors and patients from different parts of the the world, sharing their research/experience using Ivermectin to prevent/treat covid, usually in 48 hours (scroll to bottom for full set of videos from the summit):

* Clinical trials using Ivermectin for covid prophylactically:
* American Journal of Therapeutics Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19: the_Emerging_Evidence_Demonstrating_the.4.aspx
* Summary of the supportive evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19:
* More Evidence, Research, Protocols:

The consistency and magnitude of benefit amongst numerous trials of varying designs from multiple centers and countries around the world is both unique in the history of evidence-based medicine and  supports immediate and widespread adoption.

I have never in my career reviewed and compiled a clinical evidence base for any medicine or intervention with the reproducibility of study data as I have observed with ivermectin in the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19

This statement applies to the dataset reviewed, without incorporating the powerful epidemiologic findings by Juan Chamie repeatedly showing population-wide impacts on case counts and fatality rates in the cities and regions across the world that initiated ivermectin distribution campaigns during COVID-19

* 40-year-old anti-parasitic drug
* Used safely by 3.7 billion people worldwide.
• Discovery awarded Nobel Prize in 2015 
* On the W.H.O.'s list of "essential medicines."

Did You Know...? (from

There is a drug that is effective, safe, and affordable against Covid-19 whether you are vaccinated or not

The drug is called Ivermectin and it's been used for over 40 years and is being used by doctors all over the world to successfully treat Covid infections

Ivermectin protects you against all Covid variants

There is an unprecedented level of censorship happening around this drug



* Home-Based Treatment Guide - Step-By-Step Doctors’ Plan That Could Save Your Life: 
(from Assoc of American Physicians & Surgeons)

 * Successful treatment of 100% of 107 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (Dr. Brownstein's published study): "A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies" 
* Dr. Zalenko's Covid-19 Prophylaxis & Treatment Protocols (99% survival of high risk patients): ,
From Dr. Murray (from bottom of this page)

A high potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula providing at least 100% RDI.
Vitamin A (retinol) – 3,000 mcg (10,000 IU) per day for men and 1,500 mcg (5,000 IU) per day for women.
Vitamin D – 2,000-4,000 IU per day
Vitamin C – 500 mg twice per day
Zinc – 20 to 30 mg per day for men and 15 to 20 mg per day for women.
Selenium – 100 to 200 mcg per day (preferably as SelenoExcell, or 2-3 BrazilNuts @ 80mcg/nut)
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) – 600 mg twice per day.
Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix – 500 mg per day.
Melatonin: 3 to 5 mg at night

There is data to support many of these nutrients in enhancing vaccine effectiveness and reducing risks of side effects.

As soon as any symptom suggestive of COVID-19 appears or a positive test is obtained, immediately start taking four 250 mg capsules of Quercetin LipoMicel Matrix™ three times daily. Take them four hours apart and continue at this dosage for 10 days. And because vitamin C works so synergistically with quercetin, be sure to take 500 to 1,000 of vitamin C three times a day as well.
For children that can swallow pills, the dosage can be cut in half. For those that can't, same dosage but empty out the contents of the soft gel into any soft food (e.g., applesauce works great).


From email from Dr. Todd Maderis, Marin Natural Medicine Clinic

Naturopathic medicine offers various approaches to support your immune system and reduce your risk of infection with COVID-19.

Lifestyle is crucial to an optimal functioning immune system. A low glycemic diet, adequate sleep, and stress management help reduce inflammation and increase immune function. The following nutritional supplements are associated with a reduction in the incidence and severity of an infection with COVID-19:

Vitamin D has anti-viral properties, is effective against respiratory tract infections, and reduces inflammation.  A recent large meta-analysis found vitamin D deficiency was associated with increased severity of COVID-19 disease.

Vitamin C received attention earlier on in the COVID-19 pandemic when hospitals in China then the United States used intravenous vitamin C to treat COVID-19 infections. Low levels of vitamin C are associated with viral infections and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

Zinc helps to preserve tissue barriers such as lung tissue. Lower levels were found in groups with a higher incidence of COVID-19 and have been well-studied for its beneficial effects on the immune system and role against infections such as viruses. Currently, zinc is being studied in 12 clinical trials for prevention or adjunct therapy for COVID-19.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid and is used to improve immune response. Quercetin has been discussed for its use against COVID-19 because it is an ionophore, similar to the drug hydroxychloroquine.  Quercetin has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
Glutathione is the body's most abundant antioxidant and is in high concentrations in lung tissue. Glutathione also has anti-viral properties, decreases inflammation, and increases vitamin D production. Orally, glutathione should be taken in a liposomal form, or it can be administered intravenously.  (Note: NAC, in Dr. Murray's protocol above, is a Glutathione precursor)
[ "For prevention of COVID-19, one of my recommendations is to take N-acetylcysteine. It not only boosts glutathione levels in the entire respiratory tract and lungs, it also is a mucus modifying agent that helps the protective mucus in blocking viruses. NAC helps to reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretions and improves airway and lung function. For general protection and boosting glutathione levels, I recommend a dosage of 500 to 1,000 mg daily. For use in reducing mucus thickness, the typical dosage is 200 to 400 mg three to four times daily."  ~ Dr Murray, here ]

From Dr. Tom Yarema, who's been treating covid patients since it started (several of whom I've heard give their infection/quick recovery stories on his webinars.  However, some said, "Don't do what I was horrible, etc, etc...get the stuff now and treat early!")
Disclaimer: Below are my notes, initiated from his webinar #67 on 9/15/21 - in which he also referred to this earlier webinar regarding stocking the Medicine Cabinet before needed(!)  I hope these note save you some time and get you into the ballpark, but PLEASE go to the source:  Follow what Dr. Tom says in his webinars, ask your questions there, etc. - replays of which are available online at - and please send me any relevant updates to what I have below!
[ Update 12/21: Looks like zoom replays of his webinars are now private.  Get on one of his weekly zoom webinars to get access if the above link doesn't work for you.  In the meantime, I offer my (somewhat outdated/pre-omicron) notes from his previous webinars below to get you in the ball-park.  Note: This page, too, may be censored soon, do you may want to print it. :) ]
IF INFECTED WITH COVID (my webinar notes)
- See also, below: "Prevention"/"Scary Exposure"/"Early Treatment"(from 10/12/21 webinar)
1) Start Early Treatment at Day 0 with Ivermectin (or other antiviral) + Regeneron (monoclonal Antibodies: contact local emergency room for where/how to get, should be free)
    Take antiviral every day for 1st 5 days.
    Also include everything else in medicine cabinet below
    (From Rich: Also consider augmenting this with the protocols above, and seeking help from other doctor(s) with experience treating covid to which you have more immediate access, or which offer more affordable care - Yarema's very expensive)
    Especially do multiple times per day: Betadine gargle/nasal spray and nebulize Hyrdogen Peroxide (details below)
2) Schedule appointment as soon as have 1st symptom (preferably "Urgent Day567 Follow Up" appointment)
    Immediately email and  "I've just been infected with Covid, and have scheduled an appointment with you for ____.  On his webinar, however, Dr. Tom said to make this request: Due to the urgency of my situation, can you please push me to the front of the cue."
3) Do the immunity-boosting physical exercises exercises he leads in the first few minutes of his webinars
4) More details in his zoom/webinar replays and at "Ivermectin Usage" below

If you begin treatment before you're 24hrs through symptoms, you will turn the corner by day 2 or 3!
100% don't need hospital if do #1 and #2
** Know what to do after scary exposure, for prevention, if infected (eg, see "Ivermectin Usage" below)
** Take things w/in 1st 1-2 days = 90% well w/in first 3 days

Symptoms w/in a few hours to 2-3 days
Clinical depression in last 4-5 days
From DrTom #74, 11/2/21 (also 10/21/12)

1) 1 dose/wk anti-viral (dosage set specifically for you)
2) Mouthwash & nasal spray immediately before & after, every 2 hrs during
     - See  "Suggested Dilution" section of PREVENTION - MEDICINE CABINET
3) Vit D3, C, Zinc

Scary Exposure (eg, TSA/travel, indoors/close proximity w/o masks):
1) Immediately 1 dose anti-viral
2) Mouthwash & nasal spray immediately after
     - See  "Suggested Dilution" section of PREVENTION - MEDICINE CABINET
3) 2 doses/wk (every 3.5 days), for 2 weeks

Early Treatment:
1) Immediate treatment w/anti-viral (preferred: sub-lingual Ivermectin)
   - Catch up on Vit D, C, Zinc (if haven't been doing)
2) Schedule Urgent567 appt (severe organ dysfunction starts day 5-7)
3) Quarantine
4) Begin hydrating w/Pedialyte or similar electrolytes (see below), esp if have fever
   (3-4 boxes of 6 envelopes/person = will prob go through 1-2 liters/day if running
   fever; Body needs sugar if running high fever, use larger dose for adults)
5) If have any cough or chest symptoms: Nebulize with 1/2 strength H2O2 (1/2 bottled water)
- Breathe as slowly and deeply as possible
- See Zoom 69 @ Demo of nebulizers (check 68 if not 69)
- Can add Lugol's iodine, but not necessary according to him


Prepare Home Medicine Cabinet: Get BEFORE you're quarantined and/or incapacitated (see usage notes above for Prevention, Scary Exposures, and Early Treatment/Infection)

* FDA-approved Ivermectin and/or Fluvoxamine
* Pulse Oximeter (my recommendation below)
* Nebulizer (my recommendation below) - nebulize during first few days of early covid infection (and/or as a preventative)

* Povidone iodine gargle/nasal spray (details below)

* Vitamin C, D3/K2, Zinc 
   - Choose high quality, organic, additive-free supplements
   - Best absorption: Use Liposomal C, D3 w/fatty food, Zinc w/food
   - Call me for brands
* Electrolytes to hydrate when feverish and can't leave house (eg, Pedialyte, details below)

* Hydrogen Peroxide (details below under Nebulizer)
   - Hydrogen Peroxide 3% (50-50 mix w/ purified/filtered H2O to 1.5%), nebulize w/in first few days during early covid
   - Good to use food-grade hydrogen peroxide, but never >3%
   - For chronic medical conditions or frequent exposure to respiratory viruses, Use Methylene Blue + oral Photodynamic Therapy device (contact his office to get Oral PDT by prescription)
(Other info:

Some best product choices from my research via reviews and usage docs:
* Aspirin with least toxic additives: GeriCare 325mg (divide in 4 for low dose, as that version has lots of nasty additives, as do enteric versions, which don't actually lessen bleeding anyway)

* Pulse Oximeter: Contec Model CMS50DL (has FDA approval and rated highest in a couple reviews, not other Contec models; probably cheapest to buy via ebay, eg )
...unless you also want to be able to measure your perfusion index (, then go with Innovo Deluxe iP900AP (prob cheapest to buy on ebay)
* Nebulizer: WAVE Cool Mist Compressor Aerosol Delivery System (at top of 2 different reviews and has good price/specs; want a jet nebulizer, not the hand-held mesh nebulizers = some treatment failures since don't have enough pressure to push into lungs fully and more likely to clog; probably cheapest on ebay - eg )
- Articles on efficacy of nebulizer therapies:
Usage Summary:
* Maintenance: Once per week 2-5 minutes
* Possible Exposure: Once for 2-3 minutes, as soon as possible
* Early Onset of respiratory symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, etc): 3-4x/day 10-15 min (24-48hrs after feel completely nornal in nose/sinuses/throat)
* Loose stool after period of normal stool: 3-4 times daily 10-15 minutes
* COVID: 3x30min @ 3% for 5days (can drop to 1.5% for last 3days)
USAGE (for Covid and various other ailments):
- See "Early Onset and Treatment of Virus"/p.184, "Prevention/Maintenance"/p.185 and "HP Nebulization Protocol Chart"/p.186 of Dr. Levy's free ebook: RAPID VIRUS RECOVERY
See also:
* Saline for Nebulizer in case need to dilute the Hydrogen Peroxide for whatever reason
(could make yourself or get Sterile Modudose .9% Sodium Chloride Solution)
- For some, the 3% concentration results in too much stinging/burning in the nose. Such individuals can dilute the HP with a normal saline solution—0.9% sodium chloride in water, or just water. However, the saline tends to have a more soothing effect on the throat and mucous membranes than the water. The goal is to utilize the highest easily tolerable HP concentration, while always staying below 3%. Nearly everybody can inhale a nebulization of a 50/50 combination of the 3% HP and saline or water without difficulty. In fact, many people immediately feel a sense of relaxation and easier breathing when this is done. However, still lower concentrations can be utilized with clearly beneficial effect, although the benefits are realized more slowly.  ~Rapid Virus Recovery

Optional Additions:
* Lugol's Iodine (I used J. Crow's Lugol's Solution 2%, added a drop to nebulizer)
* Colloidal Silver (I used Sovereign Silver nasal spray, and sometimes added a few drops to nebulizer)
Povidone Iodine gargle/nasal spray - protects others from you and you from them

Use Betadine (povidone iodine) gargle/nasal spray routinely, especially anytime you come in potential contact with viral exposure or if symptoms develop...
Gargle with this (at back of throat for 30 sec), and use in nasal spray bottle (1-2 squirts or 4-5 drops per nostril; neti pot might also work), 2x/day.  Do especially before/after visiting places where folks aren't doing distancing/masks indoors = covers you and others around you for ~1-2 hrs.  If done before or immediately after, this can knock virus out while still in sinuses/throat and prevent onset of actual infection.  If infected or infection suspected, do 3x/day.  Do not swallow!
* Other Options (according to studies above): Not quite, but nearly as effective for viral inactivation via gargling is Original Listerine (alcohol-based + 4 essential oils; fewer toxic additives than Mint-flavored version) or Original Listerine Mint (alcohol-based + 4 essential oils; more toxic flavor/color additives than non-flavored brown Listerine).  But, since adding the nasal spray's optimal, you'll still want to get the povidone iodine for that.  In the meantime, my opinion is that a colloidal silver nasal spray is the next best bet (anti-viral/anti-bacterial according to my research but not validated in any of the covid studies mentioned here).

* Warning from Dr. Domb: "Do not use it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have hyperthyroidism, are being treated for thyroid cancer with irradiated iodine, or hypersensitive to iodine. It should not be used on children younger than 6."  [ Consider Listerine gargle + Colloidal Silver spray instead? ]

* I rinse with clean/filtered water after gargling w/either Betadine or Listerine, since both contain some toxic additives (the 10% Betadine solution had less additives than other brands; if you use a premixed solution, make sure you're getting povodone iodine, which has recently been removed from Betadine nasal spray)

* Betadine solution is available from Walgreens and most drug stores and online (the 10% solution common in US needs to be diluted):  Use as nasal spray, mouthwash = inactivates viral load w/in nose/mouth

Suggested dilution varies from .5% - 5%:
* .5% - 1.25% dilutions were used successfully in the JAMA and pubmed studies cited above
* Though the studies above (and several they cite) indicate povodone iodine is completely safe to use in these ways, there have been some isolated reports of negative short-term effects.  Given those, I'm using a weaker, 1% dilution (FLCCC & Dr. McCullough's protocols), rather than the 5% solution recommended below by Dr. Tom and Dr. Domb.  For the same reason, I'm also using the original, brown Listerine for daily gargling unless I'm going into/coming out of a particularly risky situation or exposure -- in which case I will use the 1% povodone iodine/Betadine solution both before & after.  In any case, I've noticed no negative effects.

Similar Recommendations:
1) FLCCC I-Mask+ Protocol (1%): Make 1% povidone/iodine solution from 10% povidone/iodine solution
    Add 2tbsp/1oz/30ml 10% Betadine solution to 10oz/300ml sterile/distilled or previously boiled H2O
    Or, pour 1.5 tablespoons (25ml) of 10% povidone/iodine solution into a nasal irrigation bottle of 250ml.  Then, fill to top with distilled, sterile or previously boiled water.
    Gargle at back of throat for 30 seconds; do not swallow.  Tilt head back, apply 4–5 drops to each nostril. Keep tilted for a few minutes, let drain
2) Dr. McCullough: 2 tablespoons = 30ml povidone iodine + 1 glass water = 250-300 ml
3) DrTom (5%): Get salt-water nasal spray (eg, ocean spray), pop off spray nipple, pour out half
    the content, fill up w/Betadine = 1/2 strength Betadine nasal spray (makes a 5% solution)
    In different webinar, he said: 1-2 tsp 10% Povidone Iodine in 6oz sterile H2O (2tsp = .5%?)
4) In this article, Redding ENT Specialist Dr. George Domb says 2 squirts/nostril at 5% (5tsp = 2.5ml, 2.5ml /44ml = 5%)
* Ivermectin Usage
- DrTomVid65: His delta patients typically get well w/treatment by day 21 (none have
  needed O2/hospitalization), but seeing huge psychological impacts/fatigue/
  vulnerability (intense anxiety starting ~Day7, deep/dark Depression Days15-21)
ScaryExposure: Start IVM immediately, 2x/wk for 2wks (covers cv's full incubation period)
 Prevention: IVM 1x/wk only if lots of ppl in your circles are getting infected/hospitalized/quarantined
 EarlyTreatment: Start IVM/etc. immediately, quarantine, test, consult (add Regeneron/MonoclonalAntibodies esp for vax breakthru's) 
- A recent pharmacokinetics study reports that following a high-fat meal absorption was significantly higher (about 2.5 times) than in the fasted state (
- anti-parasitic = might get die-off symptoms/herxheimer reaction = inflammatory cycle:
      allergies/cold/drippy nose/diarrea/nausea/vomit/rash(if in blood stream)->coldness->fever (stay well hydrated; take binders)
 1-3mg/day could cause herx if person's done a lot of intl travel or has history of parasite exposure
  - these ppl might need to pre-condition body w/tiny doses of ivm prior to actually needing it
Electrolytes w/o the nasty additives of Pedialyte: 
Says either Coco water or pedialyte are ok & pedialyte has much less sugar than others:
- The big three electrolytes are: Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium
* Redmond Unflavored Re-lyte (no calories/gluten/carbs = ok for fasting):
    Ratios in Re-Lyte Electrolyte Mix were perfected by fitness & healthcare experts:
    - 1000mg sodium, 500mg potassium (2:1 sodium:potassium = key)
    - 1585mg chloride, 75mg calcium, 60mg magnesium
* Organic Coconut Water (need to drink up to 3x more for same amount of electrolytes as Pedialyte; could beef up electrolytes by adding items below (All Additions Below: Organic Only):
  o Pinch of salt [himalayan pink, or redmond real sea] (sodium/minerals)
  o Kiwi/Banana (potassium/magnesium)
  o Honey/maple syrup/organic sugar (DrTom says we need sugar when have high fever)
  o Lemon juice
  o Stevia, Ashwaganda (adaptogen)
  o Almonds, Spinach, black beans, avocado, potato, oatmeal, leeks, banana, salmon,
    onions, kale (magnesium: decreasing amount/almonds=most)
  o Agar seaweed, coriander, chives, pumpkin seeds, cacao, basil, flaxseed, brazil nut,
    parsley, cumin, sesame, almond butter (magnesium: decreasing amount/agar=most)
* NOOMA Organic Sport Hydration Mix = coconut water, himalayan pink salt, stevia, lemon juice, cordyceps, ashwaganda - $22/15 packets
To your health,

PS.  Call (don't email) if you want clean sources (no toxic additives) for the supplements and good quality models for the products above (ie, brands to purchase).

Need Something Researched But Lack the Time/Patience/etc?  For $65/hr, I'll do the research and summarize the results for you (similar to what you see above but on topics/questions of your choosing)
If you want to do the above but are overwhelmed by it all and want someone to walk you through it, you can hire me to do that, too.  :-)

ADDENDUM (other notes)

** If you think you've had Covid and want to know for sure **

* Best to get a Covid Antibody test w/in 21-30 days [ $75 from Quest; $95 for home-based test from (IgG/IgM finger-stick test, results in 15min) or ]; See Zoom 72 demo of antibody test

* If beyond 30 days, probably want T-direct test (local blood draw, ~$250)

** If you know you've had Covid **
Natural Immunity post-covid is:

For example, here's an excerpt from this article on just one recent study (see link above for many more):
According to a new study out of Israel, the immunity individuals experience after recovering from COVID-19 is better than the protection experienced by individuals following an immunization against the virus.

The study out of Israel is part of a body of research that suggests the naturally immune are better protected than any other group against infection and serious illness.

"If you had COVID before and recovered, all the data that we’re looking at will suggest that you have bulletproof natural immunity, which is much more robust and comprehensive than vaccine immunity," Dr. Paul Alexander, one of the epidemiologists who has worked with the Early COVID Care Experts to compile the extensive collection of studies told the Epoch Times.  More here...
Vax after having covid: No
Risks of side effects from vaccine are greater (body's already ramped up to respond to spike protein = will have hyper-immune response) = 56% more likely to require hospitalization due to vax side effects
“If natural immunity is strongly protective, as the evidence to date suggests it is, then vaccinating people who have had covid-19 would seem to offer nothing or very little to benefit, logically leaving only harms—both the harms we already know about as well as those still unknown,” says Christine Stabell Benn, vaccinologist and professor in global health at the University of Southern Denmark. The CDC has acknowledged the small but serious risks of heart inflammation and blood clots after vaccination, especially in younger people. The real risk in vaccinating people who have had covid-19 “is of doing more harm than good,” she says.
A large study in the UK32 and another that surveyed people internationally33 found that people with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection experienced greater rates of side effects after vaccination. Among 2000 people who completed an online survey after vaccination, those with a history of covid-19 were 56% more likely to experience a severe side effect that required hospital care.33

 ** To Watch for Background Info **
A friend from Sweden turned me on to this Cov!d Revealed docuseries: Interviews with several MD's, PhD's, etc. giving their 1st-hand experiences and perspectives on cv-related topics...that you're unlikely to find elsewhere.  While I haven't watched all and would skip the first episode (valid, but kind of "meh"), I found some of the interviews I did watch quite illuminating and worth-while.  Free replays here.


  1. Hi Rich, Thanks for posting, I appreciate all your research and links. I opted for Chlorine Dioxide (CDS) as my antiviral, antiparasitic, antibacterial, although I have Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (also chlorine based?) in my cupboard, along with zinc, Vit D, etc.

    Also all the good stuff from Todd, but he did get the injection, which makes me wonder why a holistic functional health care practitioner didn't believe in his own immune system and protocols to stay healthy. I know this for a fact, and have proof in writing.

    Here's the CDS I use:

    In good health and freedom, with love, M

    1. Thanks for the info and pointer, M - much appreciated!

      I researched CDS a bit, but was unable to reconcile the conflicting reports I frustrated and gave up. Here's as far as I got:



      CLINICAL STUDY (currently recruiting):


  2. Info from a friend:

    I purchased a sonovia mask—seemed like it had some good science behind it. It’s comfortable.

    Also this link on the flcc website, great explanation about masking.

    And Dr Mobeen Syed (called Dr Been) I find very reliable and unbiased and posts almost daily with thorough evaluations of latest covid research coming out.

  3. Info from another friend:

    Dr. Murray has a new Wedinar now too: Important Answers to COVID-19 #4: http://Important%20Answers%20to%20COVID-19%20#4

    I also like Dr. Keesha Ewers. She put this out in March: Her main focus is people with autoimmune conditions.

  4. Unverified info from another friend:

    Artemisinin for COVID prevention and treatment

    Oncotelic Study
    Frontiers in Pharmacology Journal
    MINIREVIEW Repurposing Anti-Malaria Phytomedicine Artemisinin as a COVID-19
    Journal of Clinical Investigation
    Targeting TGF-β pathway with COVID-19 Drug Candidate ARTIVeda/PulmoHeal Accelerates Recovery from Mild-Moderate COVID-19

    Iran Study
    Success of a clinical trial of new treatment of COVID-19 in Sirjan School of Medical Sciences

    China Study!
    Safety and efficacy of Artemisinin-Piperaquine for treatment of COVID-19: an open-label, non-randomized, and controlled trial - ScienceDirect

    WHO safety data over 4 million patients for Malaria

    International COVID-19 trial to restart with focus on immune responses
    "Solidarity is testing artesunate, an anti-malaria drug with potential anti-inflammatory effects. Each of these drugs will be given alongside standard care, which in many regions includes dexamethasone, says Røttingen”

    Success in Clinical Study in COVID-19 Patients in Israel

  5. Info from other friends:

    Thanks so much for sending info. I thought I’d share this as Some say the research on ivermectin is good and others say it's flawed. I'm not sure what to think.

    15 Health Habits That Actually Optimize Your Immunity, According To Experts:
