Saturday, February 3, 2024

Nebulizing with Hydrogen Peroxide for viral, respiratory, etc. ailments

 Please call if you have any questions or want help.  You'll need 2 things to start:

1) Nebulizer
    - See below: "Nebulizer"
2) 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (HP)
    - See below: "Essential Oxygen Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3%"

3) Optionally, I'd advise getting some Sterile Saline to dilute the Hydrogen Peroxide in case the 3% HP is too strong initially.  "Furthermore, the chloride anion from the saline solution appears to have its own anti-pathogen impact."
    - See below: "Saline for Nebulizer"

Below are some of my Nebulizer notes…mostly oriented toward covid, as that's what I researched and used it for…but, it's good for any virus, as described in the attached book.  A great resource to have available for future reference for you and any close to you.  Have had kind of miraculous results with this treatment! 
USAGE (for Covid and various other viral, respiratory, etc. ailments):

- See "Early Onset and Treatment of Virus"/p.184, "Prevention/Maintenance"/p.185 and "HP Nebulization Protocol Chart"/p.186 of Dr. Levy's ebook (download for free, here: RAPID VIRUS RECOVERY).  My notes from this are in the "Usage Summary" below.

Optional: If you want some of the background on efficacy of this treatment, you can take a peek at these articles: 
(references for above article on efficacy of nebulizer therapies)


If you haven't bought a nebulizer yet, here's a suggestion for the one I and several others used successfully:
Nebulizer: WAVE Cool Mist Compressor Aerosol Delivery System (at top of 2 different reviews and has good price/specs; probably cheapest on ebay)
  - NOTE: Want a jet nebulizer, not the hand-held mesh nebulizers = some treatment failures since don't have enough pressure to push into lungs fully and more likely to clog
Usage Summary: How/when/how often to nebulize

* Nebulize with 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (see “Saline for Nebulizer” note below to dilute if this stings too much) + either/both "Optional Additions" listed below
  - Your mileage will vary, but this 19 drop amount nebulized for about 5 min for me (a good place to start as a test, and you can leave the iodine/colloidal silver out):
 12 drops HP + 3 drops saline + 1 drop 2% iodine + 3 drops colloidal silver 
  - 1tsp of liquid lasts about 25min in my nebulizer
* Possible Exposure: Once for 2-3 minutes, as soon as possible after exposure
* Early Onset of respiratory symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, cough): 3-4x/day 10-15 min [ continue 24-48hrs after feel completely normal in nose/sinuses/throat/lungs ]
* Maintenance: Once per week 2-5 minutes
* Loose stool after period of normal stool: 3-4 times daily 10-15 minutes
* COVID: 3x30min @ 3% concentration of HP for 5days [ can drop to 1.5% (by diluting 50-50 with saline) for last 3days ]
* For any long-standing symptoms (eg, a cough that just won't go away for weeks or even months after you've otherwise recovered), you might try 2-3 30min treatments per day, at 1.5-3% concentration (higher the better, tho a bit of saline might improve effectiveness), until 24-48hrs after the symptom clears.  I'd also add a drop of iodine.
* See also: "Early Onset and Treatment of Virus"/p.184, "Prevention/Maintenance"/p.185 and "HP Nebulization Protocol Chart"/p.186 of Dr. Levy's free ebook: RAPID VIRUS RECOVERY
You can read, mediate, listen to a podcast, etc. during the treatment. :)
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 3% [ I used this one: Essential Oxygen (cheapest from All Star Health; do not use the brown bottle stuff ]
- NOTE: An unopened container of hydrogen peroxide will last for around 3 years, but as soon as it’s opened, it’ll expire within 6 months.  For this reason, it's good to purchase two bottles: One to open/use, and one to keep sealed for future use in case of a sudden or emergency illness more than 6 months after opening the first bottle. 16oz bottle is likely way more than you'll need: Go with 4-8oz if you can find it in a bottle that allows you to extract it a drop at a time if need be.
- STORE: To ensure it lasts as long as possible, store hydrogen peroxide in a cool, dark place, with a consistent (non-fluctuating) temperature between 32-68F.  (Hydrogen peroxide is more stable when stored at cooler temperatures. Therefore, if possible, storing it in a refrigerator can help prolong its shelf life and maintain its effectiveness.) Don’t open it until you need to use it, and when you do open it, keep it in the original bottle (designed to prevent light from making it decompose faster).
- TEST: Hydrogen peroxide is a pretty reactive substance, so there’s a simple way to detect whether it’s still good. Simply pour a little of the liquid into your sink and watch to see if it fizzes or bubbles. If you don’t notice anything, it’s likely no longer good.

Saline for Nebulizer in case need to dilute the Hydrogen Peroxide for whatever reason
(could make yourself or get the smallest quantity you can of "Sterile Modudose .9% Sodium Chloride Inhalation Solution")
- "For some, the 3% concentration results in too much stinging/burning in the nose. Such individuals can dilute the HP with a normal saline solution—0.9% sodium chloride in water, or just water. However, the saline tends to have a more soothing effect on the throat and mucous membranes than the water. The goal is to utilize the highest easily tolerable HP concentration, while always staying below 3%. Nearly everybody can inhale a nebulization of a 50/50 combination of the 3% HP and saline or water without difficulty. In fact, many people immediately feel a sense of relaxation and easier breathing when this is done. However, still lower concentrations can be utilized with clearly beneficial effect, although the benefits are realized more slowly."  ~Rapid Virus Recovery

Optional Additions:
* Lugol's Iodine (I used J. Crow's Lugol's Solution 2%, added a drop to nebulizer)
* Colloidal Silver (I used Sovereign Silver nasal spray, and sometimes added a few drops to nebulizer)

Thought for Today:  What we do for ourselves alone, dies with us.  What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.

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